Thursday, May 1, 2008

Refresh me

Here are my mints

Here is my phone

Ever since I got these delicious mojito mints, my kids flip out when I pull out my phone. ‘OH OH OH I WANT A MINT CAN I PLEASE HAVE A MINT! MINT! MINT! MINT!” I have to gently say “Oh, precious children, this is not a green tin of mints, this is my green phone, and I am trying to talk on it, so please soften your sweet voices.” Ahem..or something like that.

I have even noticed now that occasionally when I see my phone in my purse I crave a mint. But no mint is to be found. Only a fake. An impostor. A phone that offers no tingly refreshment. It’s starting to get annoying.

I was thinking today about all the impostors I have in my life. All of the things I think are going to be great and refreshing but turn out to be a disappointment.

I have found through much trial and error that God is the only path to my contentment and happiness. But I have also found that despite that knowledge, I still look to fakes for those needs. We all have them, those things we chase after hoping to find contentment. It may be money, control, food, addictions, material possessions, you name it.

But when we get them and find out what’s inside, we are left unfulfilled. So why do we keep grabbing for those things when we know the truth? Why is it so hard to hold fast to the knowledge that He is more than enough?

Lord, please help me to remember that you are all I need. You are all there is and all I want and all that ever satisfies. You plus nuthin.’

Oh, and please help me remember to get some cinnamon mints next time I am at the store. Amen.


Ronette said...

Very refreshing post, Deleise! :) Thanks for the great reminder.


Marcie said...

Why does it seem as though there are some lessons that will take me more than a lifetime to learn?

Love the green phone by the way... green's my favorite! And apparently, I need to try your mints!

stacy said...

deliese, i always love your point of view! i really enjoy your blog. :o)

stacy said...

:blush: i spelled your name wrong! sorry delEise!

Theresa said...

Great Post! Gave me something to think about today. Have a great weekend!

Amy Newberry said...

Love the phone! Must have the MINTS. The message is so tangible to our lives. Good blog Girl!

Paper Arts said...

where do you get those mints? Do they taste like the new chocolate mojito (sp?) ice cream at Braums? Must find the mints!

deleise said...

David got them for me in Arizona...I don't think I have seen them around here..this may call for a google search.

Kim Heinecke said...

I can learn this lesson once a week and still manage to screw it up...(guess I'm not really 'learning' it, huh?)

shanna said...

I love this...and you have no idea how I needed to hear it this morning! LOVE YOU!