Monday, February 25, 2019

Riley is 18!

My precious girl. I love you so much and I am so proud of the woman you are becoming. What an honor it is to get to be your mom. You bring me joy and make me laugh every single day! I think you are so wonderful. I love how you love and adore your brothers and how thoughtful you are to me.  Thank you for intentionally being a blessing to our family. I love getting to experience that. Thank you for loving cold Pad Thai and Gilmore Girls and cookie dough and girls' weekends and memes and babies and saved videos with me:).
I love watching you love Jesus. I love how much you enjoy serving in Konnect and how you care for your kids. You are making an impression on many little lives and I am so proud of you for that. So grateful to have you in my life, Riri. Happy birthday! I love you.