Monday, April 28, 2008


Did you go to the Arts Festival last week? We went and it was wonderful. We all love art. Each of us has our favorite aspects of it. David loves bands, and Tyler never takes his eyes off of the drummers. Riley loves the dancers. Several of us want to get inside the minds of the painters and sculptors. We spent our life savings on food, watched dancers, listen to bands, and talked to artists about their work. Now I am all inspired. I love that feeling. Today I plan to go buy a big canvas to create something cool for Cole’s room. Garrett talking to a glass sculptorWatching a bandRelaxing on the grass

David and the kids worked at the marathon this weekend. Now David is inspired to run.

My sister-in-law and I sat up talking until the wee hours this weekend. We talked about people we admire. We talked about our hopes for our families and about other families we hope to model after. Families that inspire you to do the difficult work now and reap the benefits now and later. (We also talked about ridiculously random stuff, what is it about those 2am talks? Miss you, Kelse.)

I realized this weekend how huge inspiration is. I also realized that sometimes you have to intentionally seek it out. I hope I never grow too tired or lazy to look for inspiration. I also hope that I can teach my kids to always surround themselves with it. And I hope that somewhere along the way I can be an inspiration to someone else.


Amy Newberry said...

I love the arts festival too! I love this blog. Now I am inspired to get to work on some photos I am enlarging and changing to hang up in the kiddos rooms! Wanna play soon? It's going to be nice this week. I can come over and bring those Art books if you would like. Just let me know when a good time to come.

Laura said...

We always loved the art festival when we lived in OK. My dad is an artist and always loved to come for a visit that weekend. I do love to read and learn! And hear people's stories! I agree, I hope I am always willing to look for the inspiration.

Anonymous said...

You are an me. Love our 2am talks! Love you!

Kim Heinecke said...

I'll want to hear more about what you're doing in Cole's room...

deleise said...

amy- I'll call you in a bit.

laura-I forgot your dad was an artist! That is cool.

Kelsey- Thank you. I love them too! And you!

Kim- I need something large to go over Cole's dresser. I have no plan in mind, just know I want it to be kind of funky. I'll post it when I'm done.

Lani said...

Looks like you had a gorgeous day for it, too. Look at those blondies. Thanks for a little "inspiration" to stop being lazy about looking for inspiration. ;)

shanna said...

you are an inspiration to me...did you take all your kids to the Arts Festival by yourself...I am inspired :)

Robin Meadows said...

Deleise, you ARE an inspiration! I'm so glad to have found you.

Didn't make the arts festival this year, but did make the marathon. Now THAT was inpsirational. Read my daughter, Anna's blog about her

And the day before, watching all those Marines come in from Iraq...well, it was just a weekend full of inspiration!

Can't wait to see the finished canvas.

Marcie said...

Deleise, why don't you just paint a "muriel"?

Roger Garrett said...

We missed it but the pics sure make me want to go. I always stress about my boys touching something and breaking it and then I would have to pay $500 for a glass lady bug or something. I do enjoy the inspiration to do something creative.

deleise said...

Lani- be inspired!

Shanna- It was the whole fam, I had backup.

Robin-Thank you! And I went over to Anna's post, I'm so happy for her!

Marce-Thanks for making me smile

Roger-I'm with you on that! I did feel a little nervous a few times. I made Cole stand on a line and told him he couldn't go any closer at the glass sculptures!

Jenny-K said...

Love you girl! You inspire me as a mom and as a blogger. I think we need another Starbucks night...and we're inviting Amy too!

Natalie Witcher said...

Sooo fun to go down there! We went on Sat. night and had a blast!