Friday, April 4, 2008


Remember the days when you chatted on the phone for hours? You laid on your twin bed, you painted your nails, you resprayed your hair up totally big, you fixed a diet coke, you moved to the couch to turn on Days. All while maintaining your focus on the caller.

I used to do that with Laura. She is a friend from college. Today I was on the phone with her for over an hour. That may seem like a long time, but the truth is, we really only got in about 30 minutes worth of conversation. Which is a bummer because we had important things to discuss, like how our size 8 clothes were getting dusty and outdated and how food tastes so yummy. But we kept getting interrupted by the combined 8 people we are responsible for.

Cole was supposed to be putting away his clean clothes and he kept appearing dressed in layers of the clothes he was supposed to be putting away and asking questions like “Can I just have a garbage bag? I really don’t want these clothes.”

Laura had to pause to tell one of her kids to stop cutting the hair bows. I think we all know what a daily struggle that can be.

And she must have said “Just go clean!” 34 times.

Then there was the issue of her happy-hearted bathroom cleaner who was singing so loudly that Laura couldn’t make out my words.

One of mine came in to ask if he could take the laptop outside where he was playing with the neighbors. That’s when Laura and I discussed our overuse of the phrase “Not today.”

Laura had one following her around trying to get her to fill out an apparently time sensitive form, while I had a moment with my kids after finding a whole package of deli ham that had been left on the counter for several hours by someone who doesn‘t pay for groceries. Yet.

There just really wasn’t a lot of time left to talk. Gone are the days. Like sand through the hourglass.

Thank you Dear Jesus for the Internet, thank you.

Oh, and for the kids.


The Rusty Hoe said...

AMEN Sister!

Anonymous said...

So funny!

Natalie Witcher said...

I can so relate!

Amy said...

Aren't kids just...
The internet is where I tell the world and remind myself just how precious they are.
Love. The. Internet.

Theresa said...

Yes Phones + Kids is an interesting mix. I love when they haven't needed to talk to you and then as soon as the phone is to your ear they have to talk to you right now...MOOOOMMMM IT IS IMPORTANT!!! Kids are really precious.

Kim Heinecke said...

HA! My two older boys are in school right now but I'm nervous, I mean, "looking forward" to having them home ALL DAY long to "help" with stuff this summer.

Oh, I SO remember the days of DAYS. I'm sure if we flipped it on now (which I'm opposed to) we could still pick up the story line! How sad!!

Jenny-K said...

Oh, yes. Just had one of those moments as a matter of fact. "Kids, can you please be quiet and not fight for just a few minutes while mommy makes a quick phone call?" I then proceed to make that quick phone call (this was actually a call for information), and here comes Izzy screaming at the top of her lungs for her blankie. Needless to say, I'm sure the lady on the other end was very ready to let me go, and I did NOT get the info I was seeking. Sorry for the long comment.

Chick4Christ said...

oh man, i have a pure lust for what you have though! I CANT WAIT TO HAVE KIDS!!!!!!!!! yes, like 10 of them! i'm so excited!

Laura said...

To say it was crazy is an understatement! I need to find a better hiding place next time! And my bathroom cleaner with the singing show? Irritated I asked her to turn it down! Hee hee! Gotta love it!

Christi said...

And why is it that kids don't need you until you are on the phone? You could be with them all day, but as soon as you pick up the phone, it's "mommy, help!" or "What are you doing?". I can totally relate:)

Erica said...

I am actually having a hard time doing this because Taryn wants to read me a story she just wrote at9:46 on a school night. She always asks for candy when I'm on the phone hoping I will just nod to get her away from me. Sometimes it works out for her!