I’m not looking for advice. Don’t feel like you need to link me to fly lady dot com or send me your cleaning checklist or your housekeeper’s phone number. It’s not about that. I know how to keep things under control. Apparently I’ve just chosen not to. And I felt like showing you in the name of all things honest and transparent.
First I present to you the coffee table. I am so glad I have those decorative potted artichoke thingies there. You can hardly notice the clutter because of them.
My bathroom floor. All of it is mine, David puts his dirty clothes ...get this... in the laundry chute. Whatever. Please take note of my red make-up bag that has been sitting there since we walked in the door from vacation approximately 2.5 weeks ago.
The dining room table. At least it doesn't currently need dusting.
And the kitchen table.
Yes, I feel better now. Thanks for asking.
And, on second thought, go ahead and send that housekeeper’s number.
What nice artichoke thingies.
God Bless you for sharing. I am having serious horizontal surface issues lately too. But, I'm hoping the lady that a friend recommended to me, can take care of that for me on Wednesday. I don't want a miracle, just a clean house..which may take a miracle to get.
See this is exactly what I was talking about in my blog today! I would so be over to help you if I could!!
Love You!
And you "acted" horrified to let Carrie and I see your "messy" house! Now the whole world is aware! If it makes you feel better, I can take pics of mine and post them.
Kelsey, I was horrified, but I decided to out myself.
I spy Mouse Soup. We have/like that book, too. Oh wait... this post was about messy. You so haven't seen messy until you come visit my house on a day-to-day basis. As a rule, it always takes me awhile to unpack my things after vacation, so if this is not normal for you then I don't know what you're talking about. ;)
Oh yes, me too! It's horrible! On a side note, I did Torrie's hair like you did Riley's (except I didn't do it while looking at the photo and I inadvertently added a couple extra steps.) and it was soooooo cute!
The pictures make me feel good. My house looks like that often. Between work, 2 preschoolers, a husband going to school and regular life, I've learned that a house doesn't always have to be spotless. I am cleaning now that my parents are coming to visit.
So...you are saying that this isn't normal? Cuz...that would make me feel guilty. Wait, no I don't. It is called life!
Though, I must admit, I am still working on not apologizing for a messy house every time someone walks in the door.
okay, HOW many laptops do you have. There wasn't one in the bathroom...did you forget about it?
Thanks for making me feel not so alone. Sister, you saw my bedroom the other day along with the living room floor, so you know how I roll. You may have missed the kitchen counter, but it is cleared off (somewhat) and filled up again on a daily basis. As of this morning, I can see half of the kitchen table, but that is subject to change.
It looks like you are just busy being a MOM. Good job! A little mess never hurt anyone. (:
Did you lose my number again?
Oh, goodnight, what a mess!
oh, you've seen my art room...it was messy once! You're mom saw it once or twice...or...) Have you've seen my sign ??? "A Creative Mess is better then Tidy Idleness"
Words to live by!
Love You! Hang in there!
I hear you sweet sista! I hear you.
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