Thursday, June 12, 2008

A little comparison

I got my driver’s license renewed yesterday. I had accidentally let it expire, so I had to do some extra tricks to get it done. This involved waiting in line for 92 minutes (not that I was counting) with my 4 children.

Looking around the room at the kids getting their drivers permits and licenses, I couldn’t help but compare this time to the first time.

Remember when you got your first license? The excitement, oh the excitement. The whole day was special. You picked out your biggest Forenza shirt and your most acid washed jeans weeks before the big event. You got up early and spent hours on your pink eye shadow and sprayed the sides of your hair into wings that were as hard as plastic so you could rest easy that they would still be strong when the photo was snapped. It was glorious.

Fast forward 20ish years.

The task was squeezed into the busy day of kid stuff. I was not at all pleasantly surprised when we walked in the door and saw a line that looked like the cinnamon roll stand at the state fair. Except without cinnamon rolls.

I took a number. That is never a good sign.

It wasn’t long before Cole knocked over a big metal sign that crashed to the ground in the otherwise quiet room. It went virtually unnoticed, I’m sure. I spent the rest of the hour and a half and two minutes playing rock-paper-scissors, thumb wrestling small fingers, and trying to make Garrett understand that although I appreciate his entrepreneurial spirit, he could not sell our number to the defeated looking souls who were walking in and discovering the long line.

And unlike the first time, when it was finally time for my photo I panicked for a second and wondered if I even had make-up on. I did. Calm down.

The times are different, yes they are. Wow, are they different.

I like different.


Marcie said...

You have me cracking up! I'm so glad you made it through your 90... er, 92 minute ordeal with your sense of humor intact. So many times we hear, "Ah, if only I could go back." Well, for me... no thanks. Sure, it would be nice to weigh somewhere near what my first license said I weighed those 20+ years ago. But I like now... if only mall bangs would come back in style!

Natalie Witcher said...

I HATE drivers license pics. I gerr them.

Theresa said...

I haven't had a new license picture since 1999. I will have to show you it when I get there. My hair was so blonde!! LOL I love that you count the 2 minutes. I bet Garrett will be an awesome business man! In California he could have made bank selling your number!

Robin Meadows said...

This is great, Deleise. Yes, the times change! I was in there the other day with Kody....#6 getting his permit. Hard to believe!

BTW - my driver's license still has the same weight on it that I was when I was 16....haha. I'm sure it's only a FEW pounds varience! ; )

Lani said...

You, too, huh? We went to get new car insurance a few years back and one of the red flags that came up was I had been driving with an expired driver's license for...get this... a WHOLE year! Egads... and my deputy husband was so proud. As usual, I gave them my projected goal weight - the one that was several pounds lighter than I actually was, and I was soooo disappointed when I discovered they don't even print that information on our driver's licenses anymore. *pouts*

SheriYates said...

that is funny! Can't believe you waited 92 mins. with 4 children!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love the pics. You should see my YMCA picture...yikes!

Kim Heinecke said...

Glad to your team makes a scene wherever they go too! I thought it was just us...


Never, never change the weight on a driver license. Never.

Raven said...

Hi I found your blog off of Shanna's.
I love this entry because I just turned 16 and I just got my License last month.. and yes that morning I did wake up and put on my favorite shirt and favorite jeans made sure that my hair looked good and so did my make-up in hopes of getting a half way decent Drivers License picture. and then when it came to me in the mail it looked HORRIBLE. buut then again drivers license pics aren't supposed to look that great. lol.

- Raven