What are you running from?
Come on, we are all running from something. Maybe you are you running from a change you need to make. Maybe you are running from a relationship. Or from a challenge.
Raise your hand if you are running from God.
Hi. Me too.
A friend and I were discussing last week how we are both kind of running from Him instead of to Him and we don’t know why. It’s simply just a lack of being with Him like we should. No, I haven’t stopped enjoying church or spending time with Him, it’s just that the relationship is not where it could be, ya know?
For me there has been no big event or hard times, nothing dramatic, just a gradual drifting. Kind of like when you are in the lake on an inflatable raft and you shut your eyes for a few minutes. You look up and are amazed at the distance you have floated. It’s surprising because the whole time you were floating away, it kinda felt like you were staying in the same place. You get used to those waves and don’t realize where they are carrying you if you don‘t pay attention.
Other times you are on your raft and you peek out of one eye every few seconds. You realize you are drifting and you give yourself a little hand-paddle back in. The sooner you notice, the easier it is to get back to where you want to be.
Sometimes you can even get into a rhythm where you are just automatically waving your hand through the water, consistently keeping yourself in place.
It’s the same with our relationship with God. Sit idly for long, and you will get used to the waves of life and find yourself drifting away, even though you
didn’t necessarily feel it happening. Catch it early and it’s easier to get back on track. Run to Him by staying in the Word and in intimate communication and you will find yourself in a rhythm that keeps you in place. Right where you want to be.
ve looked up and recognized the change in scenery and the need to paddle. Because make no mistake about it. If you
aren’t running to Him, you are running from Him.
Even if you don’t mean to.