Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I need to create.

It’s just something that is in me.

If I’m not creating, I’m antsy. It can be art, food, plans, whatever. I just need to be creating.

Yesterday I bought this canvas. And I am needing to create something meaningful. Not sure what. But I’ll let you know when I know.

Right now it is so big and blank. And it is glaring down at me, taunting me every time I walk by. Trying to intimidate me with its vast whiteness.

Maybe I should have bought one that was shorter than me.


Rhonda said...

Good Night, Girl! That's one scary canvas! I'm anxious to see what becomes of it!

kacie said...

YOU CAN DO IT!!!! I understand the antsy creating thing and the big white canvas, but it will come to you and you will win. If you need any good ideas or blogs of other people that have good ideas let me know.

Andi Hawkins said...

Okay I am crazy... I thought it was a painting of a chandelier!!!

Now, you must post the final masterpiece.

Kim Heinecke said...

Can't wait to see what it is!

deleise said...

Andi, that is so funny! It does look like a sad little unproportioned painting of a chadelier! I bet you thought I had lost my mind!

Marcie said...

I love how creative you are! A giant blank canvas staring at me like that would only make me anxious...

Anonymous said...

I couldn't let it sit there staring at me. I would have to put it away. I am not creative so I would start thinking of who I know that would want it. I would hate that it was wasting space so I would give it away as quick as possible. LOL

Me and Art don't work. I love to look at it and know what good is and it is nothing that I have ever created.

Mary Ann said...

You are one of the most creative people I know. Good luck. Can't wait to see the outcome.

Lani said...

Ooo... can't wait to see what you create. Enjoy.