Monday, September 8, 2008

Some things I learned one year ago

I have a picture of Riley smiling on a cute inflatable whale in a pond. That picture sends chills up my spine every time I see it. At the time that I shot the photo, things in my world were happy and carefree. Moments later, they were a world from that.

September 9, 2007 will forever be etched in my heart. Our family had gone with David’s parents to a friend’s amazing ranch. Thank God we were with David’s parents. The plan was to swim, have a cookout, ride 4-wheelers and just have a great time.

That all came to a screeching halt when Garrett, with David on the back, lost control of a large 4-wheeler and plowed through a barbed wire fence. Right at neck level. The memory of the scene still effects me physically. Not because of the blood, which there was plenty of, but because of the fear and the uncertainty and the confusion. For a person who is not easily rocked, the “this can’t be happening” feeling was unfamiliar and horrifying. It was a scene that I won’t describe in detail here, but it was very serious, and I definitely didn’t know how my day was going to end.

It ended with a couple of hundred stitches that screamed a testimony of God’s mercy and grace. It ended with a new perspective. It ended with a lot of learning.

Here is about 1% of my list of things I learned that night.

I learned that when I call my sister and tell her not to panic, she doesn‘t follow my instructions. ;)

I learned that the sight of people I love waiting at the emergency room entrance as we arrived after the scariest trip of my life was like a having a warm blanket wrapped around me.

I learned that my parents can appear out of thin air. How did they get there so fast? Wait, I don’t want to know.

I learned that security is an illusion. Only God knows the real plan.

I learned that I am surrounded by love. I never had to worry about my other kids the whole time. I left them in the entrance of the ER in swimsuits. I don't even think all of them were there yet. Somehow they ended up in clothes, with art supplies, games and snacks because I am the luckiest girl in the world and God has blessed me with family and friends that I couldn’t in a million years deserve.

I learned that relationships are all that matter. Period.

And most of all, I learned that there is no time to waste because it can all turn on a dime.

On. A. Dime.

We are so not in control.


Anonymous said...

Oh, sister. Right you are.

In the blink of an eye.

Thank you for sharing your story.

Love and hugs.

Theresa said...

You gave me the chills. Amazing story! I am so glad that he is ok!!

Love Ya'. Ya' know I just really miss you.

Sue said...

How many times have I remembered

How many times have I remembered Sept 9, 2007 today??? And I always come up with the same thought which is THANK YOU GOD

Love you

Sue said...

Wow! Strange spacing there huh.

Kelsey said...

I will never forget the feeling I had when I first read your email either. Thanks for sharing this. I am so glad we are close (in distance) again. :) It was hard being apart, especially during that time a year ago. Love you!

Andi Hawkins said...

Wow. I am so sorry you had to go through that. You must have been terified. THank you for sharing it with us. It made me tear up with joy that you felt cared for and loved by those around you when you needed it most.

Unknown said...

Wow. I'm so relieved to know that story has a happy ending.

Amy said...

"On a dime."
Thank you for sharing this very true lesson.

erin said...

so true. thanks for sharing

Laura said...

Very true and powerful. Thank you for sharing. You brought tears to my eyes........

Amy said...

I was just telling that story to a friend today and I looked at the pictures of Garrett's and David's yesturday. God is soooo good. Who would have thought that the biggest scar would have been left on your heart. I was amazed by the strength that you and David showed Garrett and by the way that Garrett was able to draw from that strength to get thru such a scary time.

Robin Meadows said...

You are so right...we are NOT in control. And yet, I find myself still trying to be.

Glad you have a good story to share.

Natalie Witcher said...

Oh my gosh! JT says he remembers that story! God is faithful!

Lani said...

Yikes. Glad things turned out for the best and your story one year later doesn't have an unhappy ending. You said it all way better than I could. Wow. Just wow.

Amy Newberry said...

O My Word! I can so relate. You know We will be serving Jonathan an extra piece of his 3rd birthday cake this year. Considering there was a moment when we were not sure he would even make it to 3! Moments like this cause you to TRUST HIM!!! and see how much He can Be TRUSTED!

Marcie said...

You got that right, my friend. Scars are beautiful to me because they tell of God's protection and faithfulness. But those physical scars heal so much more quickly than the scars on our hearts. The illusion of security is something I cling to too often. I have to remind myself daily that God is sovereign. Certain things in my life may seem out of control or disturbingly uncertain to me, but He is not worried. Wow! I needed that lesson again this morning. Thanks!

HomeSchool Mommy said...

I cannot even imagine how scary that was!!! God is awesome! I'm so glad everyone came out okay!

Roger Garrett said...

Haven't had to go through something like that with my boys but I am sure I will. I am glad to see they both made it through OK

Erica said...

Thanks for making me cry(again!)
Sorry I panicked. I really love that kid! I'll always praise God for watching over your kids. They all mean the world to me!

Anonymous said...

Oh, what a very scary day.

Paper Arts said...

We had just 'remet' you and your family a few months prior to that and when I heard the story I was trying to connect which one Garrett the same time trying to figure out how on earth you were possibly holding up. Thank you so much for reminding me that scars are reminders of God's faithfulness.

ccrisp said...

Amy & I were looking at pictures yesterday and saw the ones of Garrett's neck. God is so good! I will never forget that evening. Thanks for reminding me how precious each moment is. Oh yeah by the way....we (your friends) are the lucky get to be part of such an amazing family!!!

Kim Heinecke said...

I never knew this story. Things do change on a dime. You are so very right. Ugh.

Anonymous said...

I remember that day so well, and am so thankful Garrett and David are fine. I thank God for his love, guidance, and protection that day and every day.


Grandma Betty Ann