Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Six Years

Today is Cole’s 6th birthday. How can I even put into words what this kid means to me? Cole is like the mascot of this family. He’s kind of taken the role here of keeping the party going and the crowd engaged. He keeps us all smiling and everyone adores him. His love for life is contagious. And he does a lot of tricks. Rarely does he have two feet on the ground. That’s mascot-y, right?

In Cole’s world, everything is cool and awesome. He is easily impressed and totally low maintenance. You’ve seen his wallet, no?
On each kid’s birthday, they get to pick any place they want to go eat and celebrate their big day. Everyone loves this and always has big plans. When we asked Cole where he wanted to go this year he said he wanted to have fruit dip and strawberries, Pringles, and hot dogs that he wants me to make at home and bring to the park.
Come on, you gotta love that (well, after the initial disappointment over the cancelation of anticipated restaurant cuisine, I mean).

Coley, I love you so much. Happy 6th birthday, little guy. You bring joy to my life every single day. I could snuggle you forever and I could listen to you and your enthusiasm for hours on end.
Oh wait, I already do. How blessed am I?


Theresa said...

Happy Birthday Cole!!! Hot Dogs in the Park with Pringles sound great!!

I hope you all have a great day!!

Cissa said...

wow, six...that is like...old! Happy birthday, dude!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, oh wow, oh wow. Those curls, those eyes, that heart.

You are blessed indeed, my friend.

Lani said...

Very blessed. Happy Birthday, Cole! I like you're style.

Robin Meadows said...

Yay!! Happy Birtday Cole. Gotta love that passionate personality.

Roger Garrett said...

Shelly wants your trees

Tell him happy bday for us

Anonymous said...

Happy 6th Birthday Cole. I think hot dogs at the park would be fun--I love picnics. Have a fun day. You are very special to Grandpa Bob and me. We love you.

Grandma Betty Ann

Amy Newberry said...

Happy Birthday Sweet Cole we look forward to celebrating it with you this weekend!!!

Sue said...

Happy Birthday Cole. We hope you have a great day! WE LOVE YOU- We have more fun with you than we deserve.


Marcie said...

Nuh-uh... that boy is NOT 6! I have a photo on my refrigerator of me holding him, and he can't be more than two or three... Even though I saw him a couple of weeks ago, I guess I still see that little guy on my lap. He's precious, precious, precious! We Smiths wish the happiest of birthdays to Cole and look forward to seeing you all soon!

Jen said...

Happy, happy birthday, Cole!

Kim Heinecke said...

Oh, that boy is absolutely adorable. I'll bet he never does anything to get himself in trouble...

The Women of Brass Drive said...

Happy Birthday Cole! We are looking forward to seeing you Friday!!

Natalie Witcher said...

So precious! Boog turned TEN today! Waa-haaahaaahaaa

Mary Ann said...

Happy Birthday, Cole. Sounds like you had a fun birthday. We love you.

Erica said...

Happy Birthday little guy! I love you to pieces!!!!!!!!!!!!11