Thursday, January 17, 2008

Pajama run!

We just got home from a pajama run. I got this idea from some brilliant moms on a message board I frequent and it has definitely become a family favorite.

Here’s how it works. You tuck your unsuspecting kids snuggly in bed for the night. You wait about 10 minutes or so, just before they actually fall asleep. You yell “PAJAMA RUN!!!!!!!!!” and you move out of the way of your stampeding, giddy children. You head to Sonic in PJs and have whatever ice cream you want.

I highly recommend this activity. You will love how much joy the surprise and spontaneity brings to your kids and in turn to you. The first time we did this Riley said “I can’t believe other people are out this late!“ It was about 9:30. I know, I know, it seems so wrong to pull your small people out of bed when you have finally gotten them there. But trust me, it is so worth it!


shanna said...

We are going to so have to start doing this! Love the freedom!!!!!

Heather said...

That picture is the best!!

Tim and Christie said...

DELEISE!!! THAT is cool, my sweet friend! Im totally into cool mommy stuff to outweigh my psycho mommy days!

deleise said...

Christie that is so funny. I agree totally. And nothing says redemption like ice cream past your bedtime!

deleise said...

Shanna, you are right about the freedom. I hadn't really thought of it that way before you said it, but you're right, being spontaneous has a lot to do with freedom.

Jenny-K said...

Love it! Love it! My kids are still a little young, but I'll have to remember that.

stacy said...

oh, what fun! your family is beautiful! :o)

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to do this with our kids when they're older. Joshua would dig it now, but poor Jake! Maybe we could do a mommy/daddy and just J run. I love spontaneity ~ it is something I have treasured in life for years! Shanna is right ~ it's freedom.

Anonymous said...

Cute idea! Now if I manage to get home before munchkin is asleep, I'll try it. :)

Sue said...

That's my kind of life, jumping in and doing unplanned things(and a little ice cream along the way WELL YUM!)

Stef Swindell said...

I am going to do this too!!! HOW FUN!!! Of course, with the older kids and a bit quieter because of the sleeping baby :)

Molly said...

Looks like fun!

Consider yourlself tagged. If you want to play, check out my latest bloggingmolly post. :o)

Laura said...

We do this every once in a while. I even did Taylor's eleven birthday party like this. The parents knew but the girls did not. I went around and picked them all up and took them to Chilli's for appetizers and dessert! Then took them home - one of the best parties ever!!

Ethan H said...

You definitely already used this picture in another post. No repeats please!