Sunday, January 27, 2008

The good pasta

Last night we had to run by the store to grab a few things for our dinner. Of course I got the question “What are we having?” When my quick and simple answer was pasta, I was met with whines and complaining from a few cuties in the backseat. Ok, I’ll admit it, I probably make spaghetti too often. It’s fast and easy and it pleases most everyone in the family…so sue me, ya know?

But last night quite honestly, I just wasn’t in the mood. And I am easily put off by food complainers. So in my sweet (ha) and gentle (double ha) mommy voice, I launched into "the speech." You know the one…be thankful you are getting dinner…if you aren’t hungry enough to eat what I am making you’ll be fine until breakfast…it’s not an easy job, planning meals for everyone…and for extra emphasis I added that the complainers were free to fix their own meal tonight if they wanted and not eat what I cooked. The complainers readily agreed. So it was settled.

As we started through the store I began to get the items I needed for the dinner that I had planned. I stopped by the bakery for some of our favorite bread. I stopped at the seafood section for some shrimp. As we moved through the store a quick inventory of the cart revealed to anyone interested that my plan for dinner was shrimp pasta with alfredo sauce and buttery toasted French bread. A favorite meal at our house. Yeah, that’s right, the good pasta. Suddenly the complainers were backpedaling. “But you just said pasta! You didn’t say that kind! I didn’t know…”

Since I have had children God has frequently used my relationships with them to help me understand how He feels in OUR relationship. Last night as I pouted over the fact that I had planned this yummy meal and gotten complaints because I hadn’t immediately disclosed my full agenda, I began to see some symbolism. How many times has God laid out the beginning of His plan for me only to have me balk at it, thinking I knew a better way? How many times have I hurt Him by complaining instead of graciously accepting that He has my best interest in mind? How many times have I told Him “No thanks, I’ll take it from here,” and gone with my own haphazard ideas instead of His?

Ouch. I do not even want to know the number of occasions when I have taken off on my own and left God standing there waving my customized blueprint…never even realizing that I was probably about to miss out on the good pasta.


shanna said...

I LOVE this and OH HOW I CAN RELATE! You have no idea how God use this to confurm some things He has been showing me the last few days. THANK YOU for writing this blog :)

shanna said...

I just need you to know I CAN spell...I just can't type...UGH!

The Rusty Hoe said...

A very good lesson for us all. :)

Amy said...

You are so good at this. Thank you for your little blogs of wisdom. You are my hero and I want to be like you when I grow up. Thanks for putting so much effort into your family. It inspires me.

Anonymous said...

This is great! I love "customized blueprints." We forget how everything about us is customized by Him.

Jenny-K said...

I love you Deleise! I love how you always seem to recognize the 'lessons from God'. I'll see you tomorrow.

Sue said...

This is great! You should write a book of motivational testimonies about what God is teaching you. I'm thankful you are so open to Him. You are a great encourager. I love you.

Theresa said...

This is an awesome entry. Thank You for putting it so simply!

Tim and Christie said...

Yup. I'm pretty much a whiny 7 year old. You would think that we would get it after a while, ya know? He has never failed me, why not just TRUST??!!

Oh, Lord, please give us the grace to trust that you always plan on us having the good pasta!

Kim Heinecke said...

This is so perfect. Can I post it on Plunderful Life next week? And can I put a link back to your blog?...(say yes.)