Wednesday, December 19, 2007

live-in mentors

Don't you love being around inspiring people? You know, the ones who actually make you want to jump up and improve what you are doing? Ok, I'll admit that I either love being around them or they make me want to crawl in a hole and hide my inadequacies and eat chocolate. But at my house, they definitely have the first effect. Every person in my home inspires me to be better. Yes, God has blessed me with live-in mentors.

David inspires me in countless ways. I love his positive outlook in most every situation. I love how dependable he is. I love his predictability. And I mean that in a positive way. You can count on without a doubt that he will spend his evening playing with the kids. Tired or not, stressed or not, headache or not, he is committed to nurturing relationships. That man will never have regrets.

Garrett inspires me with his giving heart. He gives money away like he is Donald Trump. David and I always say he is either going to end up homeless because he hands out everything he owns, or he’ll be crazy rich as God tries to keep up by blessing him! And he is a peacemaker. You gotta love that in a house of four kids.

Tyler inspires me with his tender heart. He is so sensitive to and perceptive of other people and their feelings. He works at making others feel good. And somehow he does it exactly when they need it.

Riley inspires me with her appreciation of the simple, beautiful things in her life. Getting a pedicure, seeing a baby, watching a butterfly, wearing soft pjs, rubbing her face in her kitten’s fur. You know, the stuff I tend to just do (well, minus the face in kitten fur). It all brings a glow to her face. She genuinely finds joy in the stuff you are supposed to find joy in.

And Cole. Well, if you know Cole, you probably already know how I would like to be more like him. In Cole’s mind, his whole life is exciting and funny and oh-so-happy. To borrow a quote from a Seinfeld episode referring to Kramer “His life is a fantasy camp. People should plop down 2000 bucks to live like him for a week!” Choosing to feel more like Cole could add years to anyone’s life.

Oh yeah, I want to learn how to be more like these amazing people.
Hmmmm…it’s almost as if God knows what he is doing in my house.


shanna said...

I love this! I love that you take delight in all He has given you...I love that you speak in a way that brings honor to your husband and children...because this brings honor to God too! You inspire me :)

deleise said...

Thank you Shanna! You made my morning. I'm new to the blog experience and by nature I don't share with just anybody very easily. I woke up this morning feeling slightly terrified for putting myself "out there".

Garrett said...

i like the part about me!lol

Anonymous said...

Ok, so what you just shared is too cool. Brought tears to my eyes. I can not wait to hang out with awesome you, David and your kids.

Elinette said...

Beautiful post. God really does knows what he is doing in our homes.

I enjoyed reading through your blog and looking at the pictures.

Keep blogging!